Communion & Shalom
Communion & Shalom
#5 - You Say Gay-bye, and I Say Hello... | Terminology and Its Discontents

#5 - You Say Gay-bye, and I Say Hello... | Terminology and Its Discontents

David and TJ get into one of the most commonly controversial topics currently regarding the Side B conversation and Side B Christians – terminology! We talk through some common reason why contemporary queer Christians may use queer/lgbt+ terminology in their lives versus people who would eschew such terms and often focus on instead using same sex (sexually) attracted (SS(S)A) terminology or else encouraging Christians not to use any such terms at all.  This conversation is of particular relevance to the differences that separate Side B and Side Y / X Christians in our contemporary times. Apologies to our listeners for some audio issues on TJ’s end.
Show Notes: 

Yarhouse’s post providing commentary on the recent Anglican Church of North America’s Pastoral Statement regarding same sex relationships, identity, language, etc.: Reflections on The ACNA Pastoral Statement – Mark Yarhouse (

Two side B Christians, Rachel Gilson and Greg Coles, have a dialogue on the use of “Gay” vs. “Same Sex Attraction”: “Gay” Vs. “Same Sex Attraction:” A Dialogue | The Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender

A post by Rosaria Butterfield who is typically labeled as Side Y where she calls into question using sexual orientation language: What is wrong with gay Christianity? What is Side A and Side B anyway? — Rosaria Champagne Butterfield (

Communion & Shalom
Communion & Shalom
Building a space for honest, subversive Christian conversations on sexuality, ethnicity, and what it means to live in community.